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Top Tips

Five Ways to Get the Most Out of Office Hours
Academic Success, Personal Development, Professional Development, Life Experience

Showing up to office hours can benefit you in many ways. The next time you think about skipping maybe take another moment to consider the positives!

Five Ways to Get the Most Out of Office Hours
Academic Success, Personal Development, Professional Development, Life Experience

Showing up to office hours can benefit you in many ways. The next time you think about skipping maybe take another moment to consider the positives!

Five Ways to Get the Most Out of Office Hours
Academic Success, Personal Development, Professional Development, Life Experience

Showing up to office hours can benefit you in many ways. The next time you think about skipping maybe take another moment to consider the positives!

Five Ways to Get the Most Out of Office Hours
Academic Success, Personal Development, Professional Development, Life Experience

Showing up to office hours can benefit you in many ways. The next time you think about skipping maybe take another moment to consider the positives!

Managing Time
5 Popular Time Management Strategies
Academic Success, Life Balance, Personal Development

Want to get ahead of the mid to late semester crunch time? Here's some tips on how you can become an expert time manager.

Managing Time
5 Popular Time Management Strategies
Academic Success, Life Balance, Personal Development

Want to get ahead of the mid to late semester crunch time? Here's some tips on how you can become an expert time manager.

Managing Time
5 Popular Time Management Strategies
Academic Success, Life Balance, Personal Development

Want to get ahead of the mid to late semester crunch time? Here's some tips on how you can become an expert time manager.

Managing Time
5 Popular Time Management Strategies
Academic Success, Life Balance, Personal Development

Want to get ahead of the mid to late semester crunch time? Here's some tips on how you can become an expert time manager.

2 people sitting at a table and looking at their laptops
How to Battle Your Imposter Syndrome at Your Job – and Win!
Co-op Reflections, Personal Development, Professional Development, Student Success, Workplace Success

Welcome to your first Co-op job! You showed your stuff at your interview and wowed your future employers with your knowledge and experience. You come into your first day and that’s when you realize: you don’t know anyone at all, and everyone looks more knowledgeable and more mature than you. Keep reading to see a few tips that Claire has for you to battle your imposter syndrome and win!

picture of a girl and illustration of a computer and girl on a pink background
5 Tips I've Learned as Digital Communications Specialist on Video Editing
Co-op Reflections, Student Success, Personal + Professional Development

Video editing can be hard. And while this video won’t turn you into an editing master, it can hopefully provide you with some information to make the job easier. Being a third-year Communication student with a passion for creating, Brianna Tsang shares 5 tips and tricks that she has learned throughout her 8-month Co-op placement with FCAT (Faculty of Communication Arts and Technology) as a Digital Communications Specialist.

person in yellow sweater typing on laptop
How to Boss Your First Work Term and Get an Extension
Work Term Extension, Personal Development, Professional Development, Student Success, Workplace Wardrobe

Landing your first work term can be a lengthy and challenging task, but the work doesn’t stop when your get that offer letter. Navigating your first day, and even first term can be tricky. Continue reading to see four tips that helped me make the most of my first work term and helped me turn my 4-month placement into an 8-month one so hopefully, you can too.

person in yellow sweater typing on laptop
How to Boss Your First Work Term and Get an Extension
Work Term Extension, Personal Development, Professional Development, Student Success, Workplace Wardrobe

Landing your first work term can be a lengthy and challenging task, but the work doesn’t stop when your get that offer letter. Navigating your first day, and even first term can be tricky. Continue reading to see four tips that helped me make the most of my first work term and helped me turn my 4-month placement into an 8-month one so hopefully, you can too.

Person standing in the sunset holding up the sun.
Working for the Sun: 3 Tips for a Strong Interview
Co-operative Education, Communication, Interviews, Professional Development, Personal Development, Student Success

The day before an interview tends to be the most anxiety-inducing, especially as a Co-op student. Maybe it’s because you really want that specific position, have little professional experience or generally have social anxiety in new and uncomfortable situations. With a little reflection on my interview process, I came up with three tips to hopefully calm your nerves before, during and after your next interview.

Person standing in the sunset holding up the sun.
Working for the Sun: 3 Tips for a Strong Interview
Co-operative Education, Communication, Interviews, Professional Development, Personal Development, Student Success

The day before an interview tends to be the most anxiety-inducing, especially as a Co-op student. Maybe it’s because you really want that specific position, have little professional experience or generally have social anxiety in new and uncomfortable situations. With a little reflection on my interview process, I came up with three tips to hopefully calm your nerves before, during and after your next interview.

Girl smiling with a landscape background
Five Ways That Co-op Helped Me Build My Self-Confidence
Co-op Reflections, Marketing, Personal Development, Professional Associations, Student Success

Having self-confidence has consistently been a goal of mine to achieve. And for a long time, I would get scared at the thought of pursuing Co-op positions as I thought that it would surely make me feel less confident about myself. But little did I know, my experiences in Co-op have been one of the biggest factors in building my self-confidence.

Collage of 6 social media posts
Full-Time Co-op, Part-Time Artist: It Can Be Done!
Co-op Reflections, Life Balance, Communication, Personal Development, Professional Development, Workplace Transition

I’m a student at SFU and on top of that, though, I’m a freelance creative. I do a bit of everything. As my first Co-op work term approached, I got nervous. I was terrified, frankly, that I would have to stop creating if I wanted to pursue full-time work. Keep reading to learn about how I learned to balance working full-time and being a freelance creative. 

Collage of 6 social media posts
Full-Time Co-op, Part-Time Artist: It Can Be Done!
Co-op Reflections, Life Balance, Communication, Personal Development, Professional Development, Workplace Transition

I’m a student at SFU and on top of that, though, I’m a freelance creative. I do a bit of everything. As my first Co-op work term approached, I got nervous. I was terrified, frankly, that I would have to stop creating if I wanted to pursue full-time work. Keep reading to learn about how I learned to balance working full-time and being a freelance creative. 

Collage of 6 social media posts
Full-Time Co-op, Part-Time Artist: It Can Be Done!
Co-op Reflections, Life Balance, Communication, Personal Development, Professional Development, Workplace Transition

I’m a student at SFU and on top of that, though, I’m a freelance creative. I do a bit of everything. As my first Co-op work term approached, I got nervous. I was terrified, frankly, that I would have to stop creating if I wanted to pursue full-time work. Keep reading to learn about how I learned to balance working full-time and being a freelance creative. 

A person typing on a computer.
5 Email Etiquette Tips Every Employee Needs to Know
Co-operative Education, Communication, Student Success, Professional Development, Professional Associations

You probably know that dreadful feeling you get after opening an email that is so long your finger gets tired from scrolling. While the process of sending an email may seem intuitive, there are many considerations that should be made before hitting that “send” button. Therefore, I present to you, essential email etiquette tips every employee should know.

Three SFU students standing in front of a laptop.
Six Tips to Make the Most of Your Undergraduate Degree at SFU
Community Engagement, Student Success, Personal + Professional Development

The undergraduate experience is what you make of it – whether you volunteer, do research, join Co-op, or just go to class. Read on for more tips on how to make the most of your time at SFU.

Abstract art of business and fun cartoon man
Protecting Work-Life Balance when Working in Non-Profit
Co-operative Education, Life + Health, Student Success

“Find a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life” has been attributed to several thinkers: Confucius, Mark Twain, and Marc Anthony. Regardless, this sentiment is unrealistic.

girl sitting in front of laptop and computer monitor screen with emails open
4 Reasons Why You Should Do Your Co-op with the SFU Co-op Program
Co-op Reflections, Communication, Professional Development, Personal Development, Networking, Student Success, Workplace Culture, Workplace Success

Wondering what's it like to do a Co-op term with Co-op? If so, check out Sarah's experience working as the Digital Design and Communications Assistant for the SFU Surrey Co-op Programs, where she had had the opportunity to work with four different Co-op programs!

A cartoon image of a woman doing a sit-up in a living room
7 Ways to Add Fitness to Your Routine
Life + Health, Personal Development, Student Success

Are you trying to put wellness into your routine and not quite sure where it fits? This article by SFU Recreation tells you some tips and tricks on finding ways to get started

A cartoon image of a woman doing a sit-up in a living room
7 Ways to Add Fitness to Your Routine
Life + Health, Personal Development, Student Success

Are you trying to put wellness into your routine and not quite sure where it fits? This article by SFU Recreation tells you some tips and tricks on finding ways to get started

A cartoon image of a woman doing a sit-up in a living room
7 Ways to Add Fitness to Your Routine
Life + Health, Personal Development, Student Success

Are you trying to put wellness into your routine and not quite sure where it fits? This article by SFU Recreation tells you some tips and tricks on finding ways to get started

A cartoon image of a woman doing a sit-up in a living room
7 Ways to Add Fitness to Your Routine
Life + Health, Personal Development, Student Success

Are you trying to put wellness into your routine and not quite sure where it fits? This article by SFU Recreation tells you some tips and tricks on finding ways to get started

A cartoon image of a woman doing a sit-up in a living room
7 Ways to Add Fitness to Your Routine
Life + Health, Personal Development, Student Success

Are you trying to put wellness into your routine and not quite sure where it fits? This article by SFU Recreation tells you some tips and tricks on finding ways to get started

A cartoon image of a woman doing a sit-up in a living room
7 Ways to Add Fitness to Your Routine
Life + Health, Personal Development, Student Success

Are you trying to put wellness into your routine and not quite sure where it fits? This article by SFU Recreation tells you some tips and tricks on finding ways to get started

A cartoon image of a woman doing a sit-up in a living room
7 Ways to Add Fitness to Your Routine
Life + Health, Personal Development, Student Success

Are you trying to put wellness into your routine and not quite sure where it fits? This article by SFU Recreation tells you some tips and tricks on finding ways to get started

A cartoon image of a woman doing a sit-up in a living room
7 Ways to Add Fitness to Your Routine
Life + Health, Personal Development, Student Success

Are you trying to put wellness into your routine and not quite sure where it fits? This article by SFU Recreation tells you some tips and tricks on finding ways to get started